

NCGV hosts more than 25 regular activities, both outdoor and indoor. You, when you become a member, can sign up for as many as you wish, and whenever you wish. You can add or drop activities at any time by going to your personal profile.

All groups are different. Some take a break over the winter (e.g. biking) or summer (e.g. some book clubs) months, depending on the activity. Others run year-round. Some groups allow guests, though many do not. See the list below for general information. You can also ask our Activities Coordinator if you can’t find what you need. NCGV members can check the calendar (under the Members tab) for specifics (e.g. time, where). 

Members can also check our BuddyUP news sheet, in which one-off ideas for activity get-togethers are pitched. The BuddyUP email comes out every two weeks.

Please be Scent Aware!

Scented products can aggravate medical conditions such as allergies and asthma.  Since we "share the air", please avoid the use of perfume and other heavily-scented products when attending luncheons and other indoor Newcomer events.

Thank you for your consideration.


MONTHLY LUNCHEONS: Luncheons are held the third Thursday of each month, September to June. Watch your inbox early each month for information on the location, and on a guest speaker or fun option. (Invitations are sent to all members who allow emails in their privacy settings.) Be sure to sign up early as there is generally a maximum capacity limit.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: We hold our annual meeting in conjunction with the May luncheon, at which time we elect our new executive and introduce new activity convenors. Prior to this meeting, our current executive will be actively searching for willing volunteers to participate in allowing NCGV continue. Like any volunteer club, nothing happens without our wonderful volunteers, and participating is also a very great way to get to know and have fun with other members! .

NEWSLETTER: Keep on top of what’s happening in our club with our newsletter, published several times a year. See the current and older editions under the Members tab. And remember that stories and pictures of activities are always welcome.  See current edition under Members tab.

BUDDYUP: Looking for buddies to do things with outside NCGV activity groups? BuddyUP is an email-based matchmaker where the sky’s the limit. BuddyUP members notify the convenor, with their requests (such as: interested in taking kayaking lessons … attending concerts … walks in my neighbourhood … coffee group in Uplands… ). Those signed up to receive BuddyUP get those requests every two weeks via our BuddyUP e-letter, and can respond to what interests them. It’s fun, it’s fab and it works! See current edition under Members tab.



ART IN THE GALLERY: This group explores galleries and art opportunities in the Greater Victoria area. Coffee/tea and enlightened conversation often follow at a nearby venue. 

ART MAKERS GROUP: This group is for anyone who wants to express her creativity through making art with paint, pencils, pastels, fabric, mixed media and more. No skills or experience needed. It is for exploring and finding joy in making art. There is no judgement or critique, just encouragement, fun and discovery.  Time and locations vary. Sign up for the Art Makers Group on your profile and watch the calendar and BuddyUp.

BOOK CLUBS: Book clubs meet monthly in parks, restaurants, by Zoom or at members’ homes to discuss book or subject selections. Meetings include lively discussions and, of course, light refreshments! There are now seven book clubs, and these are kept smallish to encourage open discussion. Because of this, signing up for book clubs is different than for all other activities. Rather than going through the calendar or your profile, please check with our NCGV book club facilitator, Leslie , to sign up in a group that has space, or to see if a new group can be started.

HERITAGE CLUB: Learn about historical sites in Greater Victoria. This group is normally led by a guide and fees may apply. Refreshments often follow at a nearby coffee or tea house. This is not only a great way to meet other members and have fun—you will learn very interesting facts about Victoria! 


FOOD ADVENTURES: This group will appeal to those that have a love for food and want to share it with other foodie friends in the form of cooking together, foodie field trips, food tastings, educational sessions or local food tours.  Whenever possible the group gathers monthly on the last week of the month.  Due to the nature of the adventures it is difficult to commit to a day - so stay tuned to the calendar.  The adventures are wide and varied with the list being limited to the imagination of the group itself.

DINING OUT: Enjoy different small-group restaurant experiences around Victoria each month. Evenings, and a partner or guest is welcome.

HAPPY APPIES: A nice afternoon mingle with other Newcomers. We meet inside houses, in backyards or on balconies and decks. Members are asked to bring an appetizer to share and their beverage of choice. Group size is between 6 and 12 people for each hosting house; groups are organized by the convenors. Participants are encouraged to host once a year. A partner or guest is welcome.

POTLUCK DINNERS: Enjoy home-cooked dinners in small groups at members’ homes throughout the city. Participants are asked to host two dinners a year and to bring a dish to each dinner. Hosts prepare a small contribution to the dinner (e.g. appetizers), not the main dish. A partner or guest is welcome.

POTLUCK LUNCHES: We will meet once a month in a member's home to enjoy good food, conversation and laughter. Guests will bring a table-ready contribution, which may be an appetizer, salad, side dish or dessert.  We like to keep it simple; no need to co-ordinate as it always seems to work out and it is always a fun surprise!

PUB NIGHT: Outings are a mix of local brew pubs and traditional British-style pubs located in and around Victoria. The group meets in a private area of the pub whenever possible. A partner or friend can join you.

WOMEN’S RESTAURANT GROUP: Enjoy lively conversation as you discover some great restaurants around Victoria. Evening outings.


BIKING: Have fun, get some exercise with new friends and explore some of the many bike routes in the Greater Victoria area. We bike 20 to 25 km on Wednesday mornings, leaving from various locations. Rides take two to three hours, including our popular stop for coffee at an independent coffee house.

BRISK WALKERS: If you enjoy energetic walking, then join us for 90 minutes or so (average 6 km) every Friday morning, rain or shine. As we walk, we enjoy sights and chats in different Greater Victoria locations, travelling through many picturesque parks, forests, beaches, gardens, lakes, rural countryside and neighbourhoods. Terrain is varied and may include hills, dirt paths with exposed roots, sand or rocky beaches, as well as paved sidewalks. We finish with coffee at a local shop. Good walking shoes are a must, and some walkers use hiking poles or walking sticks. Participants are encouraged to lead a walk if they wish.

BUTCHART GARDENS WALKING GROUP: Spend an hour taking in the seasonal changes of these beautiful world-class gardens at a moderately paced stroll. Our walk ends with a visit to the Butchart Garden’s Coffee Shop for treats and socializing. If you plan to participate regularly, purchase an annual pass (for the cost of just two BG visits) and be entitled to unlimited visits for a year. This group meets the 2nd Monday afternoon of the month in front of Butchart’s Seed and Gift Store. An exception is December, when we walk in early evening to enjoy the gardens decked out for Christmas, and then go for dinner. There are also no walks in January and February.

GOLF: Join us for nine holes of golf at local courses, followed by coffee or lunch. Although some course experience is an advantage, all are welcome. This activity runs year-round, usually on Monday mornings, depending on course availability.

MODERATE WALKERS: Join us for 60 minutes of walking at a moderate pace. Great for walkers who like to enjoy scenery and an outdoor ramble. Explore a gentle trail or an interesting neighbourhood, followed by refreshments and chat. We meet every Friday.

SUNDAY HIKING: Typically, these hikes are 1½ to 2 hours on varied terrain and are throughout the Greater Victoria region. The pace is moderate with stops to take in the views. Trails and footing can be challenging. The group meets the 2nd Sunday morning of each month. A partner is welcome. No dogs please.

WOMEN’S HIKING: Good exercise and great scenery on hikes of 2 to 3 hours on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Hikes take place within driving distance of Victoria, and encourage members to break a sweat! Our goal is to enjoy the great outdoors and introduce newcomers to parks and trails throughout our area. Members often pack a snack or lunch to enjoy on the trail or afterwards. No dogs please.


AFTERNOON BRIDGE:  We welcome you to join a group of Newcomers who love to play bridge and are developing their skills with this game.  All registrants need a basic knowledge of procedures for bidding and playing the game but you do not have to be an expert! We are all still learning together with some players showing more proficiency than others.  It is accepted that everyone is somewhere in this process of learning to become better bridge players and more expert players are a great source of knowledge that benefits all. We meet on Friday afternoons  and can host 8 players (two tables). Generally the first 8 responders to the weekly message get to play that week. Looking forward to have you join our group! (This activity is jointly operated with the Victoria Women's Newcomers Club.) 

BIRDING: Victoria is a birder’s dream. We join SWANS (Newcomers’ alumni group) on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month to explore the many popular birding sites in the surrounding area. Bring your binoculars (and favourite birding book if you have one) and we'll try to identify those feathered friends!

COFFEE CLUBS: There are several coffee groups that meet in various Greater Victoria neighbourhoods. Each offers the opportunity for Newcomers to meet other Newcomers in their area. A wealth of information is often shared about services and events found in the local communities. Groups also welcomes anyone from other areas in the city. Maybe you are thinking of a move to a different place—this might be a good way to get insight. Times and locations vary. Sign up for Coffee Clubs on your profile, and watch the calendar and BuddyUP.

GARDEN GROUP: There are so many gardens and parks in Greater Victoria. Explore them with us! These fun outings take about 1½ hours and are followed by refreshments at a nearby coffee shop. Meeting time is in the afternoon of the 2nd Thursday of each month.

ISLAND DISCOVERY: Discover myriad west coast wonders while exploring destinations on Vancouver Island and the nearby Gulf Islands. Outings are organized a few times a year.

MAHJONG:  American Mahjong is a fun and challenging game that is growing in popularity across North America.  Please join us!  Beginners and experienced players are welcome.  Instruction and coaching is provided.  Please bring a snack to share.  We play at members' homes and share hosting when the convenor's home is not available.  We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. 

MOVIE GOERS: View current movies at one of Victoria’s local theaters, followed by a casual dinner and easy-going discussion. Depending on the movie options, the group may decide to attend the same movie or different movies showing at similar times. This group meets the 1st Tuesday of each month, usually late afternoon.

STITCH n’ CHAT: Members meet in an outdoor location or a member's home, usually the 1st Thursday afternoon of each month. We work on our own projects while enjoying light refreshments and lively chats. We aren't just knitters; members crochet, embroider, cross-stitch, appliqué and more. You may even learn some new techniques! Join us to spend quality time while meeting other crafters in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.


From time to time, we organize events of special interest to members. Past years have found members representing NCGV in the Victoria Day Parade, and enjoying lunch together afterwards. At our June luncheon, we celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and wish graduating members well as they become SWANS (our alumni group). In November/December, members who wish to can support a charity foundation chosen each year by NCGV. Check our newsletter for special events throughout the year.


Check the NCGV calendar regularly. Thats where youll find updates about times and locations for activity groups. All it takes is logging in and clicking on Calendar! 


We are a member organization of the National Newcomers Association of Canada, and follow their guidelines for protocols and insurance purposes.

Our Purpose

We offer women of all ages who are newcomers to the Greater Victoria area an opportunity to become acquainted with others through activities of mutual interest in an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill, and to supply useful information about the local community to club members.

© Copyright Newcomers' Club of Greater Victoria 2023

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